The 3 Steps to Create a Focused Content Marketing Plan
When it comes to content marketing tactics, it's easy to get overwhelmed.
Should you be on Instagram? What about YouTube? And don't forget about podcasting!
The voices in your head and experts around you pull you in countless directions. So how do you decide where to focus your efforts?
I've struggled with tactic overwhelm for years in my own business.
The fear of missing out and desire for visibility led us to take on tactics that we didn't fully commit to.
After lots of trial and error, I've learned a critical lesson - the only way to find success is through focus.
1. Prioritize Strategic Pillars
When looking at your marketing strategy, break it down into strategic pillars. With everything from organic marketing efforts, partnerships, and paid ads on the list, choose just one or two pillars to focus on at any given time.
If you're a solopreneur, sticking to just one pillar and tactic is best. But even larger teams should stay disciplined about what they take on.
We made the mistake of building out our team too fast, taking on more than we could handle. Outsourcing doesn't mean you won't still have management responsibilities.
2. Understand Tactic Strategies
Every marketing tactic has its own strategy. Take virtual summits - you could host them quarterly or annually. The frequency should align with the tactic's purpose in your broader strategy.
Understand the strategies behind each tactic you're considering. Map out how and when they help you achieve your goals. This knowledge empowers you to choose the right tactics for your business.
3. Tailor Tactics to Your Audience
Don't assume that just because a platform has a large user base, it's right for you. For example, our audience uses Instagram to grow their own businesses - not to consume the kind of educational content we create. So Instagram is not the right platform for us.
Analyze how your audience engages with different platforms. Collect data on their behaviors and intentions when consuming content. Then you can determine which tactics will allow you to most effectively reach them.
The key is resisting surface-level assumptions. Go beyond generalized statistics to truly understand your audience. This informs smart decisions about marketing tactic selection and implementation.
With so many voices and options demanding your attention, it's crucial to hone your focus. Commit to advisors you trust, understand the strategies behind each tactic, and know what makes your audience tick. Do this, and you'll be equipped to build a marketing plan that converts.
What tactic overwhelm do you face in your business? Share your top struggles in the comment below