Hook Readers By Leaning Into Your Natural Content Strengths

Hooking Readers In 

Have you ever wondered what makes some content creators so engaging while others struggle to find an audience? Often, it comes down to identifying your unique content superpower - the way you naturally create content that packs a punch. Once you know your superpower, you can develop content that truly resonates with your ideal audience. 

Sharing Your Expertise

The Expert shares their specialized knowledge, real-life stories, and informed opinions. As an Expert, you need to own the stage rather than rely on interviews. Share outlier perspectives that performed surprisingly well with your audience in polls and clips. Don't shy away from polarizing viewpoints on controversial issues relevant to your niche. Lean into your expertise so readers come to you as the authority. 

Curating Talent 

The Curator discovers talented people and gives them a platform to share their genius. Curate compelling topics first before finding appropriate guests. You might create frameworks around issues your audience cares about, then spotlight guests who can address each part of the framework. Pay attention to any guest content that draws enthusiastic feedback so you can dig deeper into those topics later.

Investigating New Angles

The Investigator prepares extensively to take guests into unexplored territory during interviews. Thoroughly research each guest's background and past content first. As you listen to other interviews, note questions you wished the hosts had asked - then ask them yourself! A strong premise also helps Investigators home in on intriguing angles. Ultimately, your careful preparation allows you to bring unexpected perspectives to light. 

Finding Your Superpower

Now that you understand the core content superpowers, take some time to reflect on your natural strengths. Are you more of an Expert, Curator or Investigator? Once you identify the way you shine, build your content plans around that superpower. Play to your strengths rather than conforming to conventions, and watch your audience grow as you share your unique magic.

What superpower resonates most with you? I would love to hear your thoughts and help you develop content that showcases your special sauce!

Deirdre Tshien

Deirdre Tshien is the Co-founder & CEO of Capsho. She is the also the creator of The Honey Trap Method, author of Honey Trap Marketing and host of Win the Content Game.


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