Finding Clarity Through Chaos: My Journey to Focused Productivity

Have you ever felt like you're constantly juggling a million tasks, trying to do everything at once, but never really making progress? 

As entrepreneurs, we often fall into the trap of thinking we need to do it all. We launch new products, host events, create content, and try to be everywhere at once. But here's the truth: that's a recipe for burnout, not success.

I've been there, and I want to share with you how I finally found my flow in business by embracing focus.

The Struggle with Focus

For years, I prided myself on my ability to multitask. I called it "entrepreneurial ADHD". But deep down, I was hiding from something: the fear that I wasn't good enough.

This fear manifested in constantly adding new projects and initiatives to our plate at Capsho. We were running monthly challenges, hosting masterclasses, and planning in-person events.

We were stretching ourselves too thin and losing sight of our core mission.

The Turning Point

It wasn't until we faced a major setback that we were forced to confront our lack of focus. We had to make the difficult decision to cut our entire team and start fresh. This moment of crisis became our catalyst for change.

We realized that to truly succeed, we needed to focus on one thing and do it exceptionally well.

That meant zeroing in on our software product and letting go of the events, challenges, and other initiatives that were distracting us from our main goal.

Embracing the Messy Process of Focus

Finding focus isn't a neat and tidy process. It's messy, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright painful. But it's necessary for growth. We made tough decisions, faced our fear, committed to the process and accepted imperfection.

The Result: Finding Flow

As we embraced focus, we started to find our flow. The days became easier, not because the work was less challenging, but because we were aligned with our true purpose.

Your Path to Focus and Flow

If you're feeling overwhelmed and scattered in your business, here's my advice:

  • Identify your core mission: What's the one thing your business does better than anyone else?

  • Face your fears: What insecurities are driving you to spread yourself too thin?

  • Commit to making tough decisions: What projects or initiatives do you need to let go of to focus on your core mission?

  • Commit to the process: Focus isn't a one-time decision. It's a daily practice.

  • Be patient: Finding your flow takes time. Trust the process and keep moving forward.

Remember, focus isn't about limiting yourself. It's about channeling your energy and talents where they can make the biggest impact. When you do that, you'll find that everything else in your business becomes easier and more fulfilling.

So, are you ready to find your focus and flow? It might be challenging, but I promise you, it's worth it.

Deirdre Tshien

Deirdre Tshien is the Co-founder & CEO of Capsho. She is the also the creator of The Honey Trap Method, author of Honey Trap Marketing and host of Win the Content Game.


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