Designing a Business Tailored to Your Entrepreneurial Quirks: Insights from a Multimillionaire Coach

Rich Schefren, multimillionaire coach and consultant, and one of the OGs of online marketing, recently shared his journey from struggling entrepreneur to industry leader and the unexpected learnings he had along the way.

His story offers valuable insights for coaches, consultants, and service providers looking to do business the right way. 

The Power of Leveraging New Marketing Tactics

One of the key takeaways from Rich's experience is the importance of being an early adopter of new marketing strategies. He found that his biggest breakthroughs often came from using tactics that weren't yet widely known in his market.

For example, Rich's career took off when he started using free reports as a lead magnet - a strategy that wasn't common at the time. This simple tactic led to a massive influx of clients and revenue, essentially pouring gasoline on his business.

The "Different is Better Than Better" Approach

Rich emphasizes that being different is often more effective than trying to be better than your competitors. When you're struggling, you have the least to lose by trying something new.

Designing Your Business Around Your True Self

Another crucial lesson from Rich's journey is the importance of building a business that aligns with who you really are - flaws and all.

Rich suggests embracing your quirks and designing your business processes around them. For instance, if you're a procrastinator, create systems that account for this trait rather than assuming you'll magically change.

The "Outfox Your Flaws" Strategy

Rich shared an interesting approach called "Outfox Your Flaws."

This involves:

  • Identifying your personal traits that might hinder business success

  • Creating systems and processes that work with these traits, not against them

  • Leveraging your unique strengths to compensate for potential weaknesses

The path to business mastery is different for each of us but these key principles from Rich Schefren will benefit all entrepreneurs regardless of age or stage of business.  

Deirdre Tshien

Deirdre Tshien is the Co-founder & CEO of Capsho. She is the also the creator of The Honey Trap Method, author of Honey Trap Marketing and host of Win the Content Game.


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