Push Content is designed to get your ideal customer / client to raise their hands and self-identify as a lead so that you can have a qualified conversation with them to nurture them into a sale.

I have tested and tweaked this approach into what I call my “Say Me Strategy”.

The crux of this strategy is to promote a lead magnet - what I call your Push Lead Magnet - which addresses a specific pain point that is important to your audience.

You will do this through 3 really simple social media posts which will let you start DM conversations with the people who engage with any of the posts.

This is how we start to use our content to get leads!

How Capsho helps:

For every upload you put into Capsho, we will create:

  1. Your Push Lead Magnet - A Checklist that you can turn into a downloadable pdf (and more!) Click here to see more.

  2. The 3 Say Me Posts:

    1. The Say Me Post - Entices your audience to raise their hand and show interest in your Push Lead Magnet. Click here to see more.

    2. The Why Post - Educates your audience on the benefits of and results they can get from your Push Lead Magnet. Click here to see more.

    3. The BTS Post - Builds connection by adding a human dimension and/or social proof to your Push Lead Magnet. Click here to see more.

Push Content - The Say Me Strategy

Your Content-to-Conversion System

The Honey Trap Method

Push Content is Part 3 of the 5-part Honey Trap Method.

Want to learn the entire system? Grab our free mini audio course 👇